Emily Blair
poet | appalachian | professor
"The best ham in Louisville's..." in Flypaper Lit
Two Poems in Hobart
"Love Poem: For a Super Blood Wolf Moon Over the Mountains and Also A Newly Built Apartment Complex in Asheville" in Impossible Archetype
"Plumbing" in Contrary Magazine
"Love Poem: For the Summer I Was 17" in Riggwelter Press
"I Was Told the Risks and Still" in Barren Magazine
Two Poems in Pidgeonholes
Five Poems in Posit: A Journal of Literature and Art

Emily Blair is an Appalachian poet, blue-collar scholar, and university professor living in North Carolina. Originally from Fort Chiswell, Virginia, she called Blacksburg, VA, and Louisville, KY, home before settling in the Tarheel State.
Themes for her creative writing include queer identity and Appalachia.
She is currently working on a poetry manuscript about coming out in Kentucky, memory, and grief.
Her resume can be viewed here.
For readings and events, interviews, and editorial queries, please contact Emily by email (blair.emilyc@gmail.com).